Meet the Team

OLLI at SOU flourishes because of the enormous efforts put forth by its numerous talented volunteers and the few paid administrative staff responsible for operations. OLLI at SOU members create and provide essential programs, while the member-elected Council is responsible for governing the organization.

OLLI at SOU Staff

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Heather Inghram

Administrative Director

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Megan Rutherford

Program Specialist

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Paige Jensen

Program Assistant

OLLI SOU Office Volunteers

Office Volunteers

OLLI at SOU’s office volunteers are ready and able to answer your questions by email, phone, or in-person at the SOU Campbell Center office. The team includes Lynne Foley, Joan Lamont, Sally Lau, Robbi McMinimy, Kim Rosmaier, Karl Vischer, and Maureen Wilson-Jarrard.

OLLI at SOU Leadership Volunteers

Members who serve in a leadership role on the OLLI at SOU’s Council or as a Committee Chair enjoy a particularly rich experience. This deeper kind of member participation provides opportunities to apply expertise developed over a lifetime, apply it in new ways, and form closer connections with fellow OLLI members. Members interested in serving on OLLI at SOU Council or a standing committee can contact the OLLI at SOU office for more information.

SOU OLLI team council

OLLI at SOU Council

The elected nine-member OLLI at SOU Council determines policies, oversees implementation of its programs and activities, and makes the decisions that guide the direction and future of the organization consistent with the policies of SOU and the OLLI at SOU Bylaws. Council members’ three-year terms of service are staggered to ensure continuity of leadership within the organization. The Vice President of University Advancement and Executive Director of the SOU Foundation, or designee, and the OLLI Administrative Director serve as ex officio, non-voting members of the Council.

OLLI Council Members for 2024-2025
Laura Simonds, President; John Schuyler, Vice President, President Elect; Paul Christy, Treasurer; Joyce Avery, Secretary. Directors Colet Allen, Mary Devlin, Myrna Hall, Ann Magill, and Sarah Tisch.

SOU OLLI team committee

OLLI at SOU Committees

OLLI at SOU’s standing committees perform a variety of critical operational functions.

  • Communications Committee – The Communications Committee creates publicity, promotional materials, and other communications to ensure that OLLI at SOU has consistent and coordinated branding and messaging. Co-chairs needed.
  • Curriculum Committee – The Curriculum Committee recruits and supports course instructors and assists with curriculum development to meet the expectations of OLLI at SOU members for a wide variety of high-quality courses. Co-chairs Ginny Blankinship and Anne Coleman.
  • Finance Committee – The Finance Committee provides financial guidance and oversight for OLLI at SOU with the goal of ensuring the long-term financial stability of the organization. Chair Paul Christy.
  • Fundraising Committee – The Fundraising Committee supports the annual and long-range financial goals of OLLI at SOU through member and public charitable giving and fundraising events. Chair Dwight Wilson.
  • Membership Committee – The Membership Committee formulates strategies to recruit new members, retain existing members, and promote OLLI at SOU in the Rogue Valley and Southwest Oregon. Co-chairs needed.
  • Programs and Activities Committee – The Programs and Activities Committee recruits and supports presenters and hosts for a variety of one-time and recurring programs and activities at OLLI at SOU. Chair Karla Langland.
  • Leadership Development and Recruitment Committee – The Leadership Development and Recruitment Committee leads OLLI at SOU’s effort to identify, recruit, and orient committed volunteers to assume leadership roles as Council directors and committee chairs. Chair needed.
  • Venue and Technology Committee – The Venue and Technology Committee ensures OLLI at SOU’s instructors are IT/AV and Zoom trained and supported, and ensures OLLI at SOU’s venues are comfortable and accessible to members and instructors. Chair Lorraine Vail.
All Content © 2025 Southern Oregon University – 1250 Siskiyou Boulevard Ashland, OR 97520
Southern Oregon University is committed to providing equal opportunity in its recruitment, admissions, educational programs, activities, and employment without discrimination on the basis of age, disability, national origin, race, color, marital status, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. For any equity related concerns, including Title IX, please contact Angela Fleischer, Director of Equity Grievance/Title IX Coordinator at .