Donate to OLLI at SOU

OLLI at SOU is funded by membership fees, the annual Osher Endowment distribution, and member donations. Of our roughly $500,000 annual expenses, we must raise $100,000 through donations and sponsorships to remain sustainable.


Why Give to OLLI at SOU?

Donations to the OLLI at SOU Annual Fund are used to help finance our ongoing operations. We rely on a strong donor base in order to keep our member fee low while continuing to provide the quality of programs and services that our members have enjoyed for 30 years. Our goal is to increase our membership contribution rate to 30%. Already, we have seen member giving grow from 15% to over 25% —thank you for helping us reach our goal with your donation!

The Legacy Fund is administered by the Southern Oregon University Foundation as an endowment. The principal of your gift remains intact and the earnings are used to fund the OLLI at SOU annual operating budget. For more information about Legacy Fund giving options, contact the SOU Office of Development by calling 541.552.6127 or emailing at .

All Content © 2025 Southern Oregon University – 1250 Siskiyou Boulevard Ashland, OR 97520
Southern Oregon University is committed to providing equal opportunity in its recruitment, admissions, educational programs, activities, and employment without discrimination on the basis of age, disability, national origin, race, color, marital status, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. For any equity related concerns, including Title IX, please contact Angela Fleischer, Director of Equity Grievance/Title IX Coordinator at .