Biology Faculty
Charles W. Welden
Charles W. Welden
PhD, Plant Ecology Colorado State University, 1984; MS, Plant Ecology, Colorado State University, 1981; BS, General Studies, Tulane University, Cum Laude, with Honors in Biology, 1977
Research Interests
I am currently working on introduction new teaching methods to my courses and assessing their effectiveness in improving student learning and retention.
Welden, C. W. and R. A. Hossler. 2003..Evolution in the lab: Biocide resistance in E. coli. The American Biology Teacher 65:56-61.
Donovan, T. M. and Welden, C. W. 2001..Spreadsheet Exercises in Ecology and Evolution. 556 pp. Sinauer Assoc.
Donovan, T. M. and Welden, C. W. 2001. Spreadsheet Exercises in Conservation and Landscape Ecology. 464 pp. Sinauer Assoc.
Welden, C. W. 1999.. Using spreadsheets to teach ecological modeling. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 80:65-67.
Welden, C. W.,. S. W. Hewett, S. P. Hubbell, and R. B. Foster. 1991. Sapling survival, growth, and recruitment in relationship to canopy height in a neotropical forest. Ecology 72:35-50.
Welden, C. W., W. L. Slauson, and R. T. Ward. 1990.. Spatial pattern and interference in pinon-juniper woodlands of northwest Colorado. Great Basin Naturalist 50:313-319.
Welden, C. W., W. L. Slauson, and R. T. Ward. 1988.. Competition and abiotic stress among trees and shrubs in northwest Colorado. Ecology 69:1566-1577.
Office: SC 380
Phone: 541.552.6868
SOU Biology Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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