Quantitative Data Analysis SOU Micro Credential SOAN

Social Research – Quantitative Data Analysis, Micro-Credential

The micro-credential in Data Analysis for social science prepares students to access, analyze, and display quantitative data.

foundations of professional writing microcredentials english Southern Oregon University

Foundations of Professional Writing, Micro-Credential

The 14-credit Professional Writing badge builds the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to write and edit effective professional documents and materials.

Data Visualization SOU Micro Credential Program SOAN

Data Visualization, Micro-Credential

The micro-credential in Data Visualization is multi-disciplinary and prepares students to display meaningful patterns in data graphically, to represent data spatially, and to assemble complementary chart sets for decision making processes.

SOU Certificate Rhetoric and Writing Students with hand raised at Southern Oregon University

Writing and Rhetoric, Certificate

The Certificate in Writing and Rhetoric is for students of all majors who want to build powerful writing and analytical skills that are particularly valuable in professional contexts.

SOU Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL Certificate

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Certificate

Explore the world, teach in global contexts, and work effectively with culturally and linguistically diverse populations. SOU’s TESOL certificate is designed for all majors, at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

SOU Certificate in Shakespear Studies On Stage Sword Play at Southern Oregon University

Shakespeare Studies, Certificate

No writer has ever captured the depth, range, and mystery of human experience with the acute insight and dazzling language of Shakespeare. Indeed, so fully and dynamically does Shakespeare render human behavior on stage that scholars still endlessly debate the meaning of his plays, finding within them a seemingly bottomless well of philosophical, political, and psychological insight.

SOU Regional Studies Certificate SOAN Program Image 21 9

Regional Studies and Applied Research, Certificate

Gain knowledge and tools necessary to understand interrelationships among the social, cultural, economic, geographic and environmental aspects of a region.

native american studies drum circle class

Native American Studies, Certificate

Cultivate skills to work in Indian Country. Explore and examine the contemporary and past experiences of the Native American peoples of Oregon and beyond.

SOU Certificate in Music Theory and History at Southern Oregon University

Music Theory & History, Certificate

The Music Theory & History Certificate offers learners a robust grounding in the examination, historical context, and composition of music across diverse genres.

SOU Certificate Literary Studies Reading Books in the library at Southern Oregon University OG

Literary Studies, Certificate

The Certificate in Literary Studies spans a range of literary genres, time periods, and critical lenses to build your understanding of—and appreciation for—literature.