Sociology & Anthropology Stories
Featured Alumni
Featured Alumni
Sociology, ’04
Grant Coordinator
Phoenix/Talent School District, Oregon
Career Path and Life Passions
Prior to her current position as grant coordinator for the Phoenix/Talent School District, Heather Lowe worked for eight years as an elementary school teacher at Talent Elementary. Heather’s experience in writing grants for Talent Elementary coupled with her reading and ELL endorsements have helped her transition smoothly from teacher to grant coordinator.
Useful Job Skills
As a grant coordinator, Heather’s job demands proficiency in writing and research skills along with critical thinking, all of which were fostered within the Sociology program at SOU. Strong writing skills are key when writing grants, but also when reading and implementing strict guidelines pertaining to the management of federal and state grants. In terms of research skills, Heather is constantly gathering and entering data from the programs that she manages in addition to using the data to support students and staff members in meaningful ways.
Key Insight
For Heather, the field of sociology is non-prescriptive and fosters an ability to carefully analyze social phenomena while also understanding the various situations that individuals may be in.
Advice for Students
For Heather, the understanding gained from the sociology program was invaluable and would benefit anyone who chose to major in Sociology/Anthropology at SOU. When asked what advice she might give to someone considering pursuing this program, Heather replied: