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- https://sou.edu/academics/environmental-science/faculty/e-jamie-trammell/
- https://sou.edu/academics/environmental-science/faculty/e-jamie-trammell/

E. Jamie Trammell, PhD
Associate Professor
PhD, Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, 2011; MS, Geography, University of Nevada, Reno, 2004; BA, Biology and Environmental Studies, Western State College, 2003
Courses taught at SOU:
- Environmental Data Analysis (ES 386)
- Maps, Cartography, and Geospatial Technology (ES 349)
- Introduction to GIS (ES 451/551)
- Introduction to Remote Sensing (ES 453/553)
- Conservation in the U.S. (ES 437)
- Environmental Science and Policy Capstone Research (ES 494)
Research Interests:
I am a landscape ecologist interested in modeling landscape change with an explicit focus on the integration of socioeconomic and biophysical drivers. I am particularly interested in modeling alternative landscape futures in order to better understand how various environmental drivers combine to determine the future condition of both terrestrial and aquatic systems. I continually work to translate disparate data sources (from climate to social to economic to ecological) into a common geospatial framework for landscape-level analyses, including the integration of aquatic and terrestrial systems, to facilitate visualization and communication. I enjoy working in complex land and seascapes to synthesize our knowledge about a given land or seascape.
I have worked in a variety of environmental contexts from the deserts of the American southwest to the Northern Rivers of New South Wales in Australia, throughout Alaska and into the Canadian boreal, and most recently in the agricultural landscapes of the Magic Valley, Idaho and the Rogue River basin in Oregon.
Selected Publications:
- Vynne, C., E. Dovichin, N. Fresco, N. Dawson, A. Joshi, B. Law, K. Lertzman, S. Rupp, F. Schmiegelow, E. J. Trammell. The Importance of Alaska for Climate Stabilization, Resilience, and Biodiversity Conservation. In Review.
- Kliskey, A., P. Williams, E. J. Trammell, D. Cronan, D. Griffith, L. Alessa, M. de Haro-Marti, Oxarango-Ingram. Co-producing trajectories of landscape change in Food-Energy-Water Systems: Stakeholder Engagement as a Process in Transdisciplinary Science. In Review.
- E. J. Trammell, M. Krupa. P. Williams and A. Kliskey. 2021. Using comprehensive scenarios to identify social-ecological threats to salmon in the Kenai River watershed, Alaska. Sustainability (Trajectories of Change in Food-Energy-Water Systems: Exploring Futures of Landscape-scale Systems Using Community Engagement Methodologies); 13(10), 5490; https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/10/5490
- Carter, S. K., D. S. Pilliod, T. Haby, K. L. Prentice, C. L. Aldridge, P. J. Anderson, Z. H. Bowen, J. B. Bradford, S. A. Cushman, J. C. DeVivo, M. C. Duniway, R. S. Hathaway, L. Nelson, C. A. Schultz, R. M. Schuster, E. J. Trammell, and J. F. Weltzin. 2020. Bridging the research-management gap: Landscape science in practice on public lands in the western United States. Landscape Ecology.
- Trammell, E. J., J. H. Reynolds, M. L. Carlson, J. J. Taylor, N. M. Schmidt. Measuring ecological integrity in intact systems: challenges assessing conservation status in northern latitude ecosystems. In Revision.
- Trammell, E. J., M. Krupa. P. Williams and A. Kliskey. Using comprehensive scenarios to identify social-ecological threats to salmon in the Kenai River watershed, Alaska. In Review.
- Williams, P., L. Alessa, A. Kliskey, D. Rinella, J. Trammell, J. Powell, M. McCarthy, and J. Abatzoglou. 2018. The role of perceptions versus instrumented data of environmental change: Responding to changing environments in Alaska. Environmental Science and Policy 90: 110-121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2018.09.018
- E. J. Trammell, S. K. Carter, T. Haby, J. J. Taylor. 2018. Evidence and Opportunities for Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resource Planning across Multiple-Use Landscapes. Current Landscape Ecology Reports 3(1): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40823-018-0029-5
- Brunckhorst, D. E. J. Trammell, M. Shannon. 2017. Landscape Loopholes: Moments for Change. Journal of Research Practice 13(1). http://jrp.icaap.org/index.php/jrp/article/view/569/481
- Schoen, E. R., Wipfli, M. S., Trammell, E. J., Rinella, D. J., Floyd, A., Grunblatt, J., McCarthy, M., Meyer, B., Morton, J., Powell, J., Prakash, A., Reimer, M. N., Stuefer, S. L., Toniolo, H., Wells, B., and Witmer, F. 2017. Future of Pacific Salmon in the Face of Climate and Landscape Change: Insights from Kenai River, Alaska. Fisheries 42(10): 538-553. https://doi.org/10.1080/03632415.2017.1374251
- Trammell, E. J., S. Thomas, D. Mouat, Q. Korbulic and S. Bassett. 2017. Using alternative land use scenarios to facilitate natural resource management across jurisdictional boundaries. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2017.1289901
- Kliskey, A., L. Alessa, S. Wandersee, P. Williams, E. J. Trammell, J. Powell, J. Grunblatt, M. Wipfli. 2016. A science of integration: frameworks, processes, and products in a place-based, integrative study. Sustainability Science. DOI 10.1007/s11625-016-0391-3
- Brunckhorst, D. J. and E. J. Trammell. 2016. Restorative futures for social-ecological systems in changing times. In V. Squires & S. Whisenant (eds) Ecological Restoration: Global Challenges, Social Aspects and Environmental Benefits. Nova Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. ISBN: 978-63484-611-0.
- Trammell, E. J., T. Boucher, M. L. Carlson, N. Fresco, J. R. Fulkerson, M. L. McTeague, J. Reimer, and J. Schmidt (ed). 2016. Central Yukon Rapid Ecoregional Assessment Final Report. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado. https://accscatalog.uaa.alaska.edu/dataset/central-yukon-rapid-ecoregional-assessment
- Trammell, E. J., M.L. McTeague, M.L. Carlson, N. Fresco, T. Gotthardt, and D. Vadapalli. 2016. North Slope Rapid Ecoregional Assessment. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado. https://accscatalog.uaa.alaska.edu/dataset/north-slope-rapid-ecoregional-assessment
- Morley, P, Trammell, J, Reeve, I, McNeill, J, Brunckhorst, D, Bassett, S. 2012. Past, present and future landscapes: Understanding alternative futures for climate change adaptation of coastal settlements and communities. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast. pp.157. http://www.nccarf.edu.au/publications/past-present-and-future-landscapes
- Trammell, E. J. and S. Bassett. 2012. Impact of urban structure on avian diversity along the Truckee River, USA. Urban Ecosystems 15(4): 993-1013.
- Trammell, E. J., P. W. Weisberg and S. Bassett. 2011. Avian response to urbanization in an arid riparian context. Landscape and Urban Planning 102(2): 93-101. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.03.013
See Jamie Trammell’s Professional CV
Office: Science Building 071
Phone: 541.552.6496
E-Mail: trammelle@sou.edu
Contact Environmental Science
Environmental Science, Policy, and Sustainability Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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