- be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18
- 14 ms
- iy_2025; im_02; id_14; ih_20; imh_48; i_epoch:1.73959489997E+12
- ixf-compiler; ixf-compiler_1.0.0.0
- py_2024; pm_08; pd_27; ph_07; pmh_14; p_epoch:1.72476808995E+12
- link-block; link-block_link-block; bodystr
- pn_tstr:Tue Aug 27 07:14:49 PST 2024; pn_epoch:1.72476808995E+12
- 0 ms
- be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18
- https://sou.edu/academics/outdoor-adventure-leadership/alumni/
- https://sou.edu/academics/outdoor-adventure-leadership/alumni/
Victor McNeil
Graduated 2008 – Pre-OAL Degree Program
Executive Director & Lead Forecaster, Wallowa Avalanche Center
Senior Guide, Alpine Ascents International
I value providing information to help people make safe decisions in the backcountry. As a mountain guide, I enjoy exposing climbers to mountainous locations they would not likely ever see without a guide.
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Abbie Morriessey
Graduated 2018 – Master of Outdoor Adventure & ExpeditionLeadership (MOAEL),
High School Teacher/Climbing Coach – World Class Academy: The Climbing Academy
I work for a traveling, private high school as a teacher, coach, and mentor. I teach history, English, and life skills. We travel all over the world as a school doing classes and climbing every other day. We live together, cook meals, do workouts, play games, and send hard.
Hayley Ward
Graduated 2011 – Outdoor Adventure Leadership, Owner – Kuporo Lodge
Kuporo Lodge is an eco-lodge in the Peruvian jungle and has been family owned and operated for four years, I do sales, operations, tours, educational and volunteer programming, and conservation support for our lodge. Our work and lodge promotes sustainable tourism through conscious outdoor activities and conservation of the natural environment.
Contact OAL
SOU Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
– Questions About OAL? –