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- 25 ms
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- be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18
- https://sou.edu/academics/outdoor-adventure-leadership/programs/master-outdoor-adventure-expedition-leadership/curriculum/
- https://sou.edu/academics/outdoor-adventure-leadership/programs/master-outdoor-adventure-expedition-leadership/curriculum/

Master of Outdoor Adventure and Expedition Leadership Curriculum
Fall Year 1
OAL 511 – Self-Assessment for Adventure Practitioners 1
OAL 512 – Adventure Leadership & Philosophy 4
OAL 525 – Research Methods in Adventure Programming 4
Electives: 0-4
Total: 9-13 credits
Winter Year 1
OAL 526 – Outdoor Adventure Risk Management 4
OAL 515 – Expedition Planning 4
OAL 503 – Thesis Project 2
Electives: 0-4
Total: 10-14 credits
Spring Year 1
OAL 509 – Guiding Field Practicum 9
OAL 503 – Thesis Project 1
Total: 10 credits
OAL 545 – International Expedition Experience 9
OAL 595 – Outdoor Pursuits Field Experience (Elective) 6
Total: 9-15 credits
Fall Year 2
OAL 503 – Thesis Project 3
OAL 575 – Critical Reflection 4
Electives: 2-4
Total: 7-10 credits
Core Courses: 45 credits
Elective Courses: 6 credits
1. OAL 503: Thesis Project for OAL. The master’s thesis project must demonstrate evidence of scholarly study and writing and contribute to the profession of outdoor adventure leadership. Students will conceptualize and design their thesis project over an entire year, starting with the OAL 525 Research Methods course. The final draft will include a comprehensive literature review, the theoretical approach, the plan for data collection and analysis, and a presentation of the findings. (6 credits, Winter, Spring & Fall)
2. OAL 509: Guiding Field Practicum. This course will provide practical experience for implementing the core principles of adventure programming, addressing aspects of leadership, planning, implementing risk management protocols, and designing appropriate outcomes. Students enrolled in this class will help design and lead the Spring undergraduate intensive quarter experience. (9 credits, Spring)
3. OAL 511: Self-Assessment for Adventure Practitioners. This course provides OAL graduate students the opportunity for self-examination, identifying the physical, mental, spiritual, technical, and strategic values necessary for self-growth as adventure educators, guides, and leaders. Students will design and implement a plan to overcome areas discovered from the self-assessment. Specifically, this course will examine the entire OAL curriculum to provide a blueprint for achieving personal goals. (1 credit, Fall)
4. OAL 512: Adventure Leadership and Philosophy. This course studies the core aspects of adventure leadership through history, principles, practices, and ethics. The course explores informed decision-making, effective communication, group dynamics, and development theory to cultivate a set of ideals transferable to any adventure endeavor. (4 credits, Fall)
5. OAL 515: Expedition Planning. This course considers the explicit planning process for expeditions, including the identification of goals and objectives, and organization and coordination of logistics. Students will be responsible for creating adventures and applying the concepts to the Spring OAL Undergraduate Intensive quarter and Summer International Expedition. (4 credits, Winter)
6. OAL 525: Research Methods in Adventure Programming. This course will focus on research methods designed to develop a graduate-level thesis based on sound qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research. This course will involve attendance at a professional conference/workshop to gain a better understanding of the current issues in outdoor adventure leadership with a particular emphasis on the leading research in the industry. (4 credits, Fall)
7. OAL 526: Adventure Risk Management. This course examines the tools and issues in risk management and mitigation as a central component of expeditionary thinking. (4 credits, Winter)
8. OAL 545: International Expedition Experience. This course combines graduate and undergraduate students with faculty on an international trip. The course will incorporate and demonstrate planning, facilitation, risk management, and cultural competency. (9 credits, Summer)
9. OAL 575: Critical Reflection. An essential component of adventure learning is thinking critically about the learning goals and objectives of an adventure course or expedition and analyzing emotional responses to the experience, with the aim of connecting the learning to the experience. The reflective process ultimately creates a learning environment in which students can share and construct their own sense of understanding. (4 credits, Fall, Year 2)
10. OAL 595: Outdoor Pursuits Field Experience (Elective). (6 credits, Summer)
Contact the Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program
SOU Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
– Questions About OAL? –