10:08:012024-04-25 10:08:40Spring Break Trip to Bosnia 09:35:282024-04-25 10:54:41From the Softball Diamond to the Lab: Kierstin Grotewiel’s Journey in Science and Softball 15:37:242024-04-18 15:37:24Building Bridges and Connecting People to Wildlife: SOU Alum Maya Smith’s Story
Dr. Kelly Singleton, 2008 SOU English program graduate, shares her wide variety of experiences in education. She shows how one can adapt in education as well as her own personal resilience, drive, and compassion. 09:39:582024-04-16 11:02:15Exploring the Versatility of Education with Dr. Kelly Singleton 15:25:162024-04-05 16:04:20Summer Research Experience Broadens Access to Research for SOU Biology Students
SOU’s Honors College, Fulbright of Norway, SOU’s Institute for Applied Sustainability, and SOU’s PEAK office combine resources to give Honors Scholar Sierra Garrett an opportunity to revisit Norway and attend the Arctic Frontiers Conference to learn more about how Norway and the arctic countries of the world are working together on matters of sustainability. 09:43:542024-04-05 09:43:54Sustainability in Norway 12:46:282024-05-30 11:48:40LAD Scholar Dev Kapil: From India to Southern Oregon University 11:01:332024-04-19 09:07:49SOU Students Support a Wildlife Project on I-5 14:04:322024-03-08 14:15:40Transforming Wildland Fire Management: How SOU Alum Eli Polsky’s GIS Specializations Revolutionized Wildland Fire Management
Abbigail Nguyen Rosewood graduated from SOU in 2013 with a double major in English and Creative Writing, and went on to become an author. Her talent and passion for writing shine through her work, and she continues to provide inspiration to all those she comes across.
Spring Break Trip to Bosnia
/in Criminology, FeaturedFollow class CCJ 389E on a trip to Bosnia, as they learn more about the region and become immersed in their culture.
From the Softball Diamond to the Lab: Kierstin Grotewiel’s Journey in Science and Softball
/in Biology, FeaturedSOU freshman biology major Kierstin Groteweil dedicates herself to academics and athletics in a stellar first year on campus.
Building Bridges and Connecting People to Wildlife: SOU Alum Maya Smith’s Story
/in Environmental Science & Policy, FeaturedFrom Sequoia to Kings Canyon, Environmental Science & Policy grad Maya Smith continues collaborating with wildlife and contributing to lasting change.
Exploring the Versatility of Education with Dr. Kelly Singleton
/in English, FeaturedBy Annalynn Mueller, English Major
Dr. Kelly Singleton, 2008 SOU English program graduate, shares her wide variety of experiences in education. She shows how one can adapt in education as well as her own personal resilience, drive, and compassion.
Summer Research Experience Broadens Access to Research for SOU Biology Students
/in Biology, FeaturedOver a Summer Research Experience, both students and faculty of the Biology department gain valuable skills and experience.
Sustainability in Norway
/in Featured, HonorsSOU’s Honors College, Fulbright of Norway, SOU’s Institute for Applied Sustainability, and SOU’s PEAK office combine resources to give Honors Scholar Sierra Garrett an opportunity to revisit Norway and attend the Arctic Frontiers Conference to learn more about how Norway and the arctic countries of the world are working together on matters of sustainability.
LAD Scholar Dev Kapil: From India to Southern Oregon University
/in Biology, Featured, HonorsLearn about Dev Kapil, and his journey from India to Southern Oregon University’s Honnor Collge, showing determination at every step.
SOU Students Support a Wildlife Project on I-5
/in Environmental Science & Policy, FeaturedSOU Students learn about the complexity of local ecosystems and take up a project to build a wildlife crossing.
Transforming Wildland Fire Management: How SOU Alum Eli Polsky’s GIS Specializations Revolutionized Wildland Fire Management
/in Environmental Science & Policy, FeaturedMeet Eli Polsky, an SOU Environmental Science graduate who found his calling to build a business while fighting fires.
Abbigail Nguyen Rosewood’s Author Journey
/in English, FeaturedBy Annalynn Mueller, English Major
Abbigail Nguyen Rosewood graduated from SOU in 2013 with a double major in English and Creative Writing, and went on to become an author. Her talent and passion for writing shine through her work, and she continues to provide inspiration to all those she comes across.