Una reinterpretación única del clásico español Platero y yo por el músico Joel Alberto Garza

El profesor y percusionista Joel Alberto Garza visitó recientemente la Universidad del Sur de Oregón para ofrecer un concierto en el Music Recital Hall y dar dos clases para los estudiantes de Español y Música (Reading Available in both English and Spanish)

Advice and Inspiration from ELA Experts: SOU English Program Panel Presentation

By Annalynn Mueller, English Major

In December 2024, the SOU English program invited educators from across the valley to share their experiences teaching English language arts across grade levels. Through sharing their experiences and insight, they inspired students, faculty, and community members.

Lengua de Señas Americana en la Universidad del Sur de Oregón con Steve Wasserman

El profesor Steve Wasserman en la Universidad del Sur de Oregón habla sobre el programa de Lengua de Señas Americana (ASL) en SOU (Reading Available in both English and Spanish)

Literacy and Leadership in the Outdoors: Reflections from Time Spent with Adventure Risk Challenge

By Annalynn Mueller, English Major

This past summer, I had the opportunity to volunteer with Adventure Risk Challenge (ARC), a youth-development organization based in the Sierra mountain range, that teaches literacy alongside leadership and outdoor education. I got connected with ARC through SOU English professor Dr. Merrilyne Lundahl, who has been working closely with ARC for 9 years. Since her start with ARC, Merrilyne has been researching for the organization and is currently focusing on the impacts ARC has on students and staff that participate in the program.

Dr. Cristian Mendoza Ruvalcaba: Conectando el Español con el Sector de la Salud

El Dr. Cristian Mendoza Ruvalcaba, BA, APRN, FNP-C, es un exalumno de la universidad que ha creado una trayectoria profesional y personal verdaderamente impresionante (Reading Available in both English and Spanish)

Cultivating Curiosity Through AI: from ENG/PHL 399 to the OCTE Conference

By Annalynn Mueller, English Major

This past month, I had the privilege of presenting at The Oregon Council of Teachers of English (OCTE) Conference: Igniting Curiosity & Cultivating Literacy for All, alongside Dr. Margaret Perrow and my project partner and senior English major Molly McGinley. Margaret asked Molly and me to share our final presentation from a class she co-taught with Dr. Prakash Chenjeri taught in the spring, ENG/PHL 399: AI, Philosophy, & Writing.

Práctica estudiantil en el Consulado de México verano 2024

Este verano, Enzo la gran oportunidad de realizar una práctica en el Consulado de México en Portland, Oregón. (Reading Available in both English and Spanish)

Cultivating Leaders: Tiana Gilliland’s Scholarly Achievement and Leadership Development

Tiana Gilliland is a first-generation student who grew up in Grant Pass, Oregon. Tiana’s journey to SOU is a brilliant testament to the profound impact of higher education on students who earnestly carve their own path toward academic excellence.

Carly Swisher ’14, Teaching Internationally in China

By Annalynn Mueller, English Major

Carly Swisher, a SOU 2014 English program graduate, works at an international school in southern China teaching English language and literature classes. She shares her experiences, insights, and advice on teaching and living abroad.

The Democracy Project Visits India; Next Stop Jamaica!

A group of students and faculty embark on a journey to India, visiting New Delhi and Bangalore as part of the Democracy Project at SOU.