Soon-to-be graduate goes beyond first-generation expectations

Learn about Nansi Cortes and her journey to becoming a first-generation graduate with a major in Clinical in Mental Health Counseling.

SOU Hosts the Oregon State University Science and Math Investigative Learning Experience

SOU Chemistry and Computer Science students share love for science with local elementary schools with fun projects and colorful displays.

Infusión de sabor mexicano en la cultura local del café

¿Sabías que una estudiante de SOU ya es co-dueña de su propio café? Jimena Valencia, que se concentra en Negocios y Español y su socia Zuri Moli, son propietarias del Café Mestiza, ubicado en Medford. (Reading Available in both English and Spanish)

Hannah Darling Fenn: A Writer’s Journey

By Annalynn Mueller, English Major

SOU English Major Hannah Darling Fenn has worked as an accomplished freelance and poetry writer for 10 plus years. She shared her story, wisdom on navigating the freelance/news world, and tips on how to balance creative and technical writing.

SOU Student Receives Prestigious Scholarship

Chloe Fiveash, a Southern Oregon University junior majoring in biochemistry, is one of 438 recipients nationwide of the 2024 Goldwater Scholarship.

Spring Break Trip to Bosnia

Follow class CCJ 389E on a trip to Bosnia, as they learn more about the region and become immersed in their culture.

From the Softball Diamond to the Lab: Kierstin Grotewiel’s Journey in Science and Softball

SOU freshman biology major Kierstin Groteweil dedicates herself to academics and athletics in a stellar first year on campus.

Building Bridges and Connecting People to Wildlife: SOU Alum Maya Smith’s Story

From Sequoia to Kings Canyon, Environmental Science & Policy grad Maya Smith continues collaborating with wildlife and contributing to lasting change.

Exploring the Versatility of Education with Dr. Kelly Singleton

By Annalynn Mueller, English Major

Dr. Kelly Singleton, 2008 SOU English program graduate, shares her wide variety of experiences in education. She shows how one can adapt in education as well as her own personal resilience, drive, and compassion.

Summer Research Experience Broadens Access to Research for SOU Biology Students

Over a Summer Research Experience, both students and faculty of the Biology department gain valuable skills and experience.