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- https://sou.edu/academics/psychology/faculty/
- https://sou.edu/academics/psychology/faculty/

Tiki Boudreau
Senior Instructor, Human Service Program Coordinator
MS, Organizational Training & Development
Ms. Tiki Boudreau is a Senior Instructor in the department of Psychology at Southern
Oregon University. She is also a coordinator for the SOU Human Service Program, based from the Higher Education Center. Teaching includes General Psychology; Group Dynamics; Program Development; Human Service Capstone and Practica Supervision.
Office: Education/Psychology 228; Higher Education Center 201C
Phone: Education/Psychology 541.552.6942 / Higher Education Center 541.552.8155
E-Mail: boudreat@sou.edu

Dr. Victor Chang
Assistant Professor
PhD, Oregon State University
Dr. Chang has been a practicing counselor since 2000. He has a range of clinical experience with children, adolescents, adults and families. His clinical and research interests include suicide prevention, collegiate recovery, trauma treatment, and the supervision and training of counselors. Dr. Chang’s mission as a counselor and an educator is to empower people to become their best selves. Beginning in 2019, Dr. Chang will serve as the Assessment Coordinator for the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program.
Office: Education/Psychology 240
Phone: 541.552.6638
E-Mail: changv@sou.edu

Dr. Cody Christopherson
Professor, Coordinator of Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program
PhD, The University of Notre Dame
Dr. Christopherson is the coordinator of the Masters in Clinical Mental Health
Counseling program at Southern Oregon University. He is a clinical psychologist who conducts research on open science, replicability, and meta-psychology. His recent work has been published in Science and featured on smithsonianmag.com, The Jefferson Exchange, and La Repubblica. He also maintains a small private practice doing psychotherapy and psychological assessment in Ashland.
Office: Education/Psychology 210
Phone: 541.552.8491
E-Mail: christoc1@sou.edu

Dr. Paul Condon
Assistant Professor
PhD, Northeastern University; MA, Northeastern University; BA, Gonzaga University
Paul Condon is an Associate Professor of Psychology, and an affiliate faculty in Healthcare Administration. His research examines the relational basis for empathy, compassion, wellbeing, and prosocial action, and the influence of compassion and mindfulness training on those capacities. His research also examines how scientific theories can inform engagement with contemplative traditions and meditation practices of compassion, mindfulness, and wisdom. At SOU, Dr. Condon has taught Health Psychology, Sustainable Compassion, Stress Management, History of Psychology, Social Psychology, General Psychology, Writing & Research, and Statistics. To learn more about his research and teaching, see his website.
Office: Education/Psychology 236
Phone: 541.552.6635
E-Mail: condonp@sou.edu

Dr. Joshua Goodman
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Goodman is an Assistant Professor of Psychology and is affiliated with the Human Services program and the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies program. His research focuses on parent support for LGBTQ+ youth, with an emphasis on the development and assessment of interventions to facilitate parent and family support. Dr. Goodman teaches courses related to counseling and clinical psychology, as well as gender and sexuality, including Crisis Intervention Strategies, Human Sexuality, and Introduction to Helping Skills. As a clinician, Dr. Goodman has worked in a variety of contexts, including university counseling centers, intensive outpatient mental healthcare, and an LGBTQ+ community counseling center.
Office: Education/Psychology 222
Phone: 541.552.6939
E-Mail: goodmanj@sou.edu

Dr. Rachel Jochem
Associate Professor, Chair
PhD, University of California (Davis)
Dr. Jochem teaches courses focused on development across the lifespan, the intersection of emotion and cognition, identity development and family process. Additionally, Dr. Jochem teaches the Research Methods and Writing courses in collaboration with Dr. Reeder and Dr. Taylor. Dr. Jochem works in collaboration with local not for profit organizations serving youth and families in Southern Oregon to support evaluation and grant writing needs. In this capacity, Dr. Jochem provides opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the program development evaluation work of local agencies. Dr. Jochem currently collects interview data from community members focused on experiences in the family which shape an individual’s identity as a parent.
Office: Education/Psychology 226
Phone: 541.552.6993
E-Mail: jochemr@sou.edu

Dr. Mark Krause
PhD, University of Tennessee
Dr Krause’s background is in animal behavior and neuroscience. His primary teaching responsibilities include comparative psychology, learning and memory, and behavioral neuroscience. Dr Krause’s scholarly focus is on the evolutionary bases of learning and memory in animals and humans. He is associate editor of the journal Animal Behavior and Cognition and on the editorial board for Journal of Comparative Psychology.
Office: Education/Psychology 206
Phone: 541.552.6977
E-Mail: krausema@sou.edu

Dr. Patricia Kyle
PhD, University of Idaho
Dr. Patricia Kyle teaches psychology and graduate counseling classes at SOU. She specializes in children, adolescents and families. She is the co-author of “Opportunities and Options in Classroom Management” and “Win-Win Discipline” and contributor to numerous other books. Patricia loves nature, so Southern Oregon and Alaska are special to her. She is passionate about theater, especially Shakespeare.
Office: Education/Psychology 204
Phone: 541.552.6944
E-Mail: kylep@sou.edu

Dr. Emily C. Reeder
Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Kentucky
Dr. Reeder teaches a number of courses at SOU within her specific field of expertise: Social Psychology, Psychology and Law, and The Psychology of Violence. Dr. Reeder runs an active Psychology and Law research lab at the university, engaging undergraduate students in ongoing research and regularly publishing her work. Previously trained as Jury Consultant, Dr. Reeder brings both academic and real world experiences to her teaching and research endeavors.
Office: Education/Psychology 232
Phone: 541.552.7126
E-Mail: reedere1@sou.edu

Dr. Douglas C. Smith
PhD, University of California (Los Angeles)
Dr. Smith teaches a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of Psychology. Prior to coming to SOU in 2009, he was a faculty member in the Department of Counselor Education at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. A licensed psychologist and nationally certified school psychologist, Dr. Smith’s clinical and research interests revolve around emotional health and positive youth development.
Office: Education/Psychology 208
Phone: 541.552.6948
E-Mail: smithdou@sou.edu

Dr. John Taylor
Associate Professor
PhD, University of Nevada (Reno)
Dr. Taylor teaches Cognitive Psychology and Evolutionary Psychology in addition to courses on experimental methods and statistical analysis. Dr. Taylor manages a robust Cognition and Evolution research lab, engaging undergraduate students in ongoing research and regularly publishing and presenting his work.
Office: Education/Psychology 220
Phone: 541.552.6533
E-Mail: taylorj3@sou.edu

Dr. Noriko Toyokawa
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Oregon State University
Dr. Toyokawa’s research interests broadly lie in the links between intergenerational relationships and health in later life via two-related lines of inquiry. The first line of research focuses on the negotiation between older parents’ autonomy and their middle-aged children’s legitimacy of intervention into parents’ autonomy for living assistance. The second line of inquiry seeks older adults’ contribution to younger generations’ healthy development. Dr. Toyokawa teaches Psychology of Aging, Death and Dying, Introduction to Aging, Lifespan Development, and General Psychology. She is an affiliate faculty in Healthcare Administration and works to enhance an age-friendly university environment.
Office: Education/Psychology 230
Phone: 541.552.6858
E-Mail: toyokawan@sou.edu
Contact the Psychology Program
SOU Psychology Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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