SOU Psychology Program
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Students are encouraged to become involved in research activities with the faculty of the Psychology department. There are opportunities to volunteer or receive course credit (Psy 401/501 and 405/505) for involvement in the individual research activities of various faculty members.
Field Practicum
The human service, field practicum, and internship programs provide a sequence of progressively intensive experiences working in human service agencies in the classroom or in the community. Students in these programs are exposed to a wide range of human service activities and acquire experience as human service providers.
Practicum Agency Sites
The following provides a list of possible ideas for agency placement. Students are not limited to placement at agencies on this list. If you have ideas for a learning opportunity at an agency that is not on the list, please contact the practicum coordinator for approval.
Contact the Psychology Program
SOU Psychology Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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