- be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18
- 74 ms
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- 0 ms
- be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18
- https://sou.edu/academics/spanish/placement/
- https://sou.edu/academics/spanish/placement/

Placement Testing for Spanish and ASL
Who needs to take it?
Students who are interested in taking Spanish AND have studied/or are proficient in the language.
At this time, ASL courses do not require a placement test. Please contact Steve Wasserman wassermas@sou.edu if you have previous ASL experience and would like to be placed higher than ASL 101. Students completing a BA degree are required to have two years of a world language. Spanish and American Sign Language study will enhance any major and open doors to opportunities with the local Hispanic and Deaf communities. Spanish students often study abroad and complete local and international internships, enhancing opportunities for employment.
When should I take the test?
Sometime before you sign up for your first Spanish class at SOU. New students for the Fall term should take the placement test before coming to a Fall Advising & Registration appointment during the summer.
Can I buy back credit for language courses below my placement?
If you earn a B- or better in the course you placed into, you can apply to buy credit ($100 per course*) from the language department within one term of finishing the language course. For example, if you place into and pass Spanish 202 with a B or better and go to the language department within a term, you can pay to have Spanish 101, 102, 103, 201 transcripted for a total of $400 for 16 credits. Please note: These credits are specific to SOU. If you are planning to transfer to another institution, please call the Registrar at that institution to determine if the credits will be accepted.
Applications and more information are available in the offices of Spanish and ASL. Please contact Dr. Anne Connor for more information at connora@sou.edu
The application will be denied if a student: a) previously received credit for the course at this or another university; b) challenged the course and received an NP or c) completed courses at a higher level of competency.
*Course cost is subject to change.
When and where is Spanish placement testing offered?
Spanish placement testing is available online. You can take it any time, anywhere, if you have a computer and internet connection. The test generally takes about 30-40 minutes and does not include an oral component. NOTE: This is a free service to all SOU students.
Log on to: https://app.emmersion.ai/link/7bc86e19fb
Create an account using your SOU email address.
Please Note:
Placement scores are good for one year. If you experience any difficulty, or feel you did not place into the level you thought you should, you can contact Dr. Anne Connor at connora@sou.edu or 541.552.6743 for an oral assessment.
The placement exam does NOT demonstrate proficiency. It CANNOT be used to replace the admissions or BA language requirement. Students must complete a course or courses.
Contact Spanish & American Sign Language
SOU Spanish & American Sign Language Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
– Questions About Spanish & American Sign Language? –