Environmental Science, Policy, & Sustainability Programs
In the ES&P department, we specialize in working with undergraduate students, and doing so in a very personal and individual way.
Offered as a Bachelor of Science Major
Built as a truly interdisciplinary program, the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science & Policy (ES&P) provides an equal balance of social, political, biological and earth systems science courses. This interdisciplinary foundation is unique in that it provides students training and experience across the sciences, and fosters a systems-thinking approach to environmental issues.
Offered as a Bachelor of Science Major
The Bachelor of Science in Sustainability prepares students for a range of careers in environmental sustainability. Our unique curriculum is designed to integrate physical and natural sciences, social science, project management, and business. Our field-oriented curriculum takes advantage of the unique environmental setting of our region and provides opportunities to work with local agencies and businesses.
Offered as a Secondary Discipline Minor
Built as an introduction to the interdisciplinary nature of environmental issues, the Minor in Environmental Science & Policy (ES&P) provides an equal balance of social, political, biological and earth systems science courses. This interdisciplinary foundation is unique in that it provides students training and experience across the sciences, and fosters a systems-thinking approach to environmental issues.
Offered as a Secondary Discipline Minor
Our Bachelor of Science in Sustainability not only prepares students for a wide variety of employment in governmental agencies, industry, non-profits and environmental consulting firms, but also prepares students for graduate and professional schools in environmental policy and management, geography, law, public policy, wildlife management, and sustainability management.
Offered as an Academic Certification
Environmental Data Science represents one of the fastest-growing career opportunities at the intersection of technology and sustainability. As organizations worldwide grapple with climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource management, they increasingly rely on skilled professionals who can collect, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of environmental data.
Offered as an Academic Certification
The Certificate in Environmental Horticulture is designed for both the traditional student and for lifelong learners seeking a better understanding of techniques used in regenerative agriculture. This farm-oriented certificate includes multiple field courses taught at The Farm at SOU: A Center for Sustainability. Students learn practical skills as apprentices in horticultural practice.
Offered as an Academic Certification
The Certificate in Geospatial Science is an undergraduate program designed to prepare individuals to utilize geospatial technology for a range of disciplines. The certificate provides students with communication skills through the creation of meaningful and powerful maps, analytical skills through the spatial analysis of geographic information, and technological skills through the use of various geographic information systems (GIS) and programs.
Offered as an Academic Certification
The Certificate in Horticultural Business is designed for both the traditional student and for lifelong learners seeking a better understanding of techniques used in horticulture and horticultural business. This farm-oriented certificate includes multiple field courses taught at The Farm at SOU: A Center for Sustainability. Students learn practical skills as apprentices in horticultural practice.
Offered as an Academic Certification
The Certificate in Sustainability Leadership (CSL) is an undergraduate interdisciplinary program designed to prepare individuals for leadership roles in organizations committed to sustainable practices. The program is designed to give students a strong foundational understanding in the three E’s of sustainability: economy, environment, and equity (also known as the Triple Bottom Line).
Offered as an Academic Certification
The Wildlife Ecology and Conservation certificate offers a comprehensive pathway for students passionate about protecting and managing wildlife populations and their habitats in an era of environmental change. This interdisciplinary program combines scientific training in wildlife biology and ecology with crucial policy and technological skills needed for modern conservation work.
Offered as an Academic Micro-Credential
The micro-credential in Community Planning prepares students for a range of planning professions including transportation planning, land use planning, water resource planning, urban planning, and community development.
Offered as an Academic Micro-Credential
The micro-credential in Environmental Research & Data Analysis prepares students with advanced technical skills in research methods and data analysis in the environmental sciences broadly. Courses emphasize advanced statistical analysis, field methodology, and computer modeling for use in natural resource management, field research, and geospatial data management.
Offered as an Academic Micro-Credential
The Micro-credential in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) equips learners with the concepts and skills necessary to advance careers in the geospatial sciences. This micro-credential is designed both for working practitioners and traditional students desiring to develop and demonstrate proficiency in GIS. The micro-credential is designed to nest within a proposed certificate in geospatial technology.
Offered as an Academic Micro-Credential
The micro-credential in sustainable food systems prepares students entering into food system-related careers to better understand sustainable systems utilized in production, distribution, processing, sales, and waste reduction.
Environmental Science, Policy, and Sustainability Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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