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- 57 ms
- iy_2025; im_02; id_09; ih_13; imh_09; i_epoch:1.73913535306E+12
- ixf-compiler; ixf-compiler_1.0.0.0
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- 0 ms
- be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18
- https://sou.edu/academics/military-science/rotc/rotc-cadets/
- https://sou.edu/academics/military-science/rotc/rotc-cadets/

Who are the ROTC Cadets
Southern Oregon University’s corps of cadets is comprised of students, athletes, and leaders in the community. Cadets are involved in a wide variety of the university’s academic majors. Cadets are also involved in collegiate level sports such as, football, wrestling, track, and cheerleading. Many of our cadets are SMP (Simultaneous Membership Program) soldiers with the Oregon Army National Guard and take part in drill, one weekend a month, along with annual training two weeks a year, all while satisfying ROTC requirements and full time credits with the University.

Physical Training and The APFT
Cadets take part in physical training every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning at 0630hrs. Physical training focuses heavily on cardiovascular endurance along with muscular endurance of both the upper and lower body. Cadets are pushed physically in order to pass APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) standards expected of their age group. The APFT is administered to cadets at the beginning and end of each term throughout the school year.
The APFT consists of:
2 Minutes of Pushups
2 Minutes of Situps
2 Mile Run

Military Science Lab
Cadets participate in lab every Thursday morning at 0600hrs. Lab activities include learning and executing basic Army skills and tasks including, map reading, land navigation, battle drills, road marches, and water combat survival. Through lab, cadets learn a variety of leadership skills while conducting fire team to platoon level training missions.

Military Science Courses
Along with field training, cadets are also instructed on Army leadership, tasks, and skills in a classroom setting. MS I’s, II’s, III’s, and IV’s are instructed on different levels of leadership and tactical skills. Cadets are taught everything from the army values and leadership to tactical principles and army operations.

Service Projects
Our ROTC program and corps of cadets take part in annual service projects with the Jackson County Fuel Committee in order to serve the people of our campus community and learn about what it means to be community leaders.
Contact the ROTC Program
Army ROTC / Military Science Department
Central Hall – Basement Floor
1275 Ashland St
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: 541.552.6309
– Questions About ROTC? –