Health & Exercise Science
Coach, teach, lead. Discover the mind-body connection with a degree in Health & Physical Education.
Coach, teach, lead. Discover the mind-body connection with a degree in Health & Physical Education.
A degree in Health and Exercise Science is the ideal concentration for those who love helping others take flight through physical development and understanding of the complexities of optimal health & wellness. The course work of this program is designed to prepare physical educators, therapists, and coaches to be leaders and advocates for quality physical education, sports and physical therapy programs. Graduates will work with people of all ages and skill levels in that most immediate of arenas: their own bodies. Health and Exercise Science students are practicing vital skills in class and fieldwork. Health and Exercise Science graduates are coaching overseas, teaching in public schools, and overseeing healthcare quality.
As the only school in Oregon to be recognized by the NSCA Education Recognition Program (ERP), our program is especially distinguished with standardized, approved strength and conditioning curricula in undergraduate and graduate settings designed to prepare students for the NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS) certification. Find more information here:
We give our students internship opportunities to gain experience with and certification in Functional Movement Systems Level 1 content (pending completion of the level one course and passing of the certification exam). For more information visit this link:
Learn more about the SOU Health & Exercise Science Degrees:
Open Doors, Give Wings, Change Lives
Growing up in Rogue Valley, the choice to stay local and earn my undergraduate degree from SOU was a true blessing.
I can’t speak highly enough of my experience in the HPE program during my time at SOU. I had amazing professors who cared.
SOU Health & Exercise Science
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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