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- https://sou.edu/academics/clinical-mental-health-counseling/frequently-asked-question/
- https://sou.edu/academics/clinical-mental-health-counseling/frequently-asked-question/

Will there be any information sessions?
We hold two information sessions during the application process. The first is in November, just after the application is opened. The second is in early January. For the 2025 application cycle, the first information session will be held on November 12, 2024 on the campus of Southern Oregon University. The second on January 23, 2025 via Zoom. Please email CMHC@sou.edu for more information.
When is the application deadline?
Applicants are encouraged to apply by February 1 for priority consideration. After February 1, applications will be given consideration if space is available.
How much does the program cost?
For in-state students and students eligible for the Western Regional Graduate Program, the approximate cost of a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is $52,000, not including textbooks, course fees and licensing test fees. For out of state students, the cost is approximately $59,000, not including textbooks, course fees and licensing test fees. For more information see Tuition & Fees or Cost of Attendance pages.
What is the undergraduate degree requirements?
Applicants must complete a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university before they can start the program. Failure to do so will require reapplication to the CMHC for a later academic year. If an applicant is currently completing a baccalaureate degree at the time the CMHC application is submitted, another official transcript must be sent to the admissions office after completion of the degree, verifying that the degree was awarded.
Your baccalaureate degree can be from any discipline.
What are the minimum undergraduate GPA requirements?
Southern Oregon University graduate admissions rules require a GPA of at least 3.0 in the most recent ninety (90) quarter hours (sixty [60] semester hours) of undergraduate work. Those with less than a 3.0 undergraduate GPA may meet this requirement by successfully completing 12 credits of approved graduate course work at SOU as a post-baccalaureate student with a minimum 3.0 GPA. All applicants must have their institution(s) submit official transcripts directly to the SOU Admissions Office.
How many students do you accept into the CMHC program each year?
26-30 students are selected from an average of 100 applications.
What are you looking for in the required essays?
Answer the topic essays that address how you have demonstrated motivation, self- awareness, openness, and respect towards others and commitment to their welfare. Also speak to your professional goals and how you hope SOU’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program will help you achieve them.
When will I know if I have been accepted?
Status letters are emailed in late March. Students accepted to the program will receive a phone call from a faculty member as soon as decisions are made. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check on the completeness of their file, and to keep the CMHC Program Support Specialist informed of any changes to mailing address, email address and phone number.
When will classes begin for the CMHC program and how long does it take to complete the program?
Classes begin the September after your acceptance. The program is set up to be completed in 2 years. It is a cohort based experience, so you will be traveling through the classes and internship with the same group of students.
What are the pre-requisite course requirements for admission to the CMHC program?
- General Psychology (PSY 201Z/PSY 202Z)
- Statistics (STAT 243Z)
- Methods/Research Design (PSY 225)
- Developmental Psychology (PSY 370, PSY 460 OR PSY 466)
- Psychological Disorders (PSY 479) (formally known as Abnormal Psychology)
We will accept pre-requisite coursework up to 10 years old. Contact the CMHC Support Specialist (CMHC@sou.edu) for transcript review and possible substitution from related disciplines.
What documents are needed to complete the application process?
- CMHC Application
- 3 letters of recommendation
- TOEFL if not a native English speaker)
- Official Transcript (Students graduating from SOU do not need to submit an official transcript – uploading an unofficial transcript is acceptable.)
- SOU Graduate Admission Application and $60 fee. This application can be found at Graduate Student Requirements
What is the process for submitting Letters of Recommendation?
On your application to the CMHC Program, you will provide the name and email address of three individuals. After yousubmitthe application form, our office will email aninvitationto those individuals to complete a shortsurveyand upload a letter on your behalf.
We suggest that you inform your references that they will receive an email from us with a link to a survey where they can upload a letter. You can do this prior to submitting your CMHC application.
Why isn’t there an interview as part of the admissions process?
First, our program strives to both practice and teach principles that are supported by research. The research around admissions interviews shows that they do not help a program to make better choices for admissions. There is some evidence that including unstructured interviews in screening actually makes a program make worse choices.
A secondary reason for excluding interviews is that in-person interviews bias an applicant pool to favor those who live nearby or who can afford to travel. In our effort to create an incoming class that is both excellent and diverse, we have chosen not to bias our admissions process in this way. Your ability to pay for travel and your geographical proximity to us has no bearing on whether you will be an excellent counselor.
For more information and research about why interviews are problematic and why they might continue to be popular, see Belief in the unstructured interview: The persistence of an illusion and Stubborn Reliance on Intuition and Subjectivity in Employee Selection
What is the GRE or TOEFL requirement?
The GRE is not required for admission into the CMHC program. However, we will accept and consider GRE scores you want to submit. We do not accept the GRE Psychology Subject Test. It is recommended that this exam be completed well in advance of the application deadline. Applicants typically have a combined score of 300 on the verbal and quantitative sections. A score of 3 or better is expected on the analytical writing section. (Note: Test scores can be accepted up to 5 years from the test date) Foreign students must submit a record of having taken the TOEFL with a computer based test score of 207 or above, or an internet score of 76 or above.
What if I live outside Oregon?
We accept students from all over the US and from many other countries.
To be considered for the Western Regional Graduate Program resident tuition rate, submit a 300 word essay that addresses how you meet one or both of the selection criteria (diversity and/or academic excellence). Students that reside in the following states are eligible: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. You can apply to CMHC program directly by sending your essay (as an email attachment) to CMHC@sou.edu.
How likely am I to have a paid internship and what would that look like?
Internships can vary for the 2nd year cohort. Most internships are paid, though not all. Pay can come as an hourly amount or as a flat stipend. The hourly pay ranges between $18 – $28. Interns paid a stipend generally receive $300 – $800 a month. Interns are normally asked for a 16 – 24 hour time commit per week.
Contact the CMHC Program
SOU Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
– Questions About Clinical Mental Health Counseling? –