Set Skills for Cinema Production
Offered as an Academic Micro-Credential
Southern Oregon University’s Set Skills badge is completed by taking a single 12-credit course, The Crew Experience. In this immersive learning experience, students leave the classroom to learn on location in an environment that emulates a professional film production. Students apply for a below-the-line crew position and work within a departmental hierarchy to collaboratively produce a short film alongside faculty and professional mentors. The Set Skills for Cinema Production badge demonstrates the student’s preparation for entry-level assistant work on professional film and television sets.
Completed your requirements and ready to collect your badge? Apply to receive your micro-credential badge here.
DCIN 450: The Crew Experience – 12 credits
Minimum C- grade.
Crew Dispositions: punctuality, responsibility, accountability, curiosity, attentiveness, equanimity, flexibility, confidence, creativity, and collaborative problem-solving.
Hiring & Crew Onboarding: resumes, cover letters, job hunting, professional listings, networking, interviewing, start papers, and unions.
Production Forms & Documents: call sheets, schedules, budgets, cash flows, contracts, invoices, departmental production reports, permits, and releases
Department Prep: script breakdowns, technical scouting, production meetings, and equipment checkouts.
Set Communication & Protocols: divisions of labor, departmental organization and hierarchies, reporting structures, union guidelines, set jargon, and crew etiquette.
Set Safety: hazard identification and prevention, safe production best practices, and emergency procedures.
Equitable & Inclusive Production Practices: anti-harassment, anti-bias, and bystander intervention training.
Sustainable Production Practices: Producer’s Guild Production Environmental Actions Checklist training and EMA Green Seal standards
*The Broadcast News Production and Film & Business Management micro-credentials are housed within the Communications program website.
SOU Digital Cinema Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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