Mathematics Programs
What can you do with a degree in mathematics? The question should be what can’t you do? There’s virtually no career unsuited for a math major trained in critical and abstract thinking!
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Financial Mathematics students will develop strong analytical and practical skills in the area of finance and statistics. The program trains students to be specialists in various workplaces such as banks, investment or insurance companies, and governments.
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Students interested in a richer mathematical experience, than that afforded by the mathematics major, can apply for the honors program in mathematics.
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Students who show an aptitude for critical thinking, enjoy problem solving and have a desire to develop sharpened analysis are perfect candidates for the SOU Mathematics Program.
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
In today’s ever changing technological society, many high-tech sectors require individuals with strong backgrounds in both mathematics and computer science. The mathematics-computer science co-major provides training in both areas.
*The Mathematics – Computer Science program is one of many co-majors at SOU. Co-majors are interdisciplinary degrees that allow students to specialize in more than one subject area. Learn more about the SOU Computer Science program here.
Offered as a Secondary Discipline Minor
There is a high demand for the well-educated workforce in statistical science. The Applied Statistics minor trains students how to work effectively as data analysts in today’s job market.
Offered as a Secondary Discipline Minor
As a future teacher, it is important to keep in mind that teachers’ mathematical knowledge has been shown to directly correlate to student achievement gains. This program is designed for students preparing to teach mathematics at the elementary, middle, or high school levels.
Offered as a Secondary Discipline Minor
“Understanding the math” is a key element of success in the sciences, engineering, economics and finance. Minoring in math helps a student become knowledgeable and adaptable in many fields.
SOU Mathematics Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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