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- https://sou.edu/academics/summer-language-institute/apply/
- https://sou.edu/academics/summer-language-institute/apply/

Applications for Summer 2025 are now being accepted!
The priority deadline each year is March 1st.
Summer 2025 Session Dates:
Session 1: June 22 – July 11
Session 2: July 13 – August 1
Application instructions and information on our procedures for acceptance, payment, and refunds are listed below. We review for decisions as soon as feasible during our application period as files are completed.
Apply to Summer Language Institute
For Master’s degree candidates, please apply using the Master’s Candidate information. If you’re interested in taking courses without pursuing the degree, use the Non-Degree-Seeking Students information.
Master’s candidates must be currently teaching Spanish at the K-12 or college level and must have taught for at least one year. Non-Master’s applicants must have a bachelor’s degree and can be either a current or aspiring language teacher.
Mater’s Degree Candidates
Step 1
Complete the general SOU Graduate Application. Be sure to select Summer 2025 as your entry term, and “Master’s in Spanish Language Teaching (SLI)” as your “planned major.”
- Your official transcripts should be sent directly to the main Admissions Office – please do not send them to the Summer Language Institute. Electronic transcripts can be sent to admissions@sou.edu, and paper transcripts mailed Attn: SOU Admissions, 1250 Siskiyou Boulevard, Ashland, OR 97520.
- Please notify SOU Admissions and sli@sou.edu if any transcripts will be under a different name or last name than the one used on your application, so we can make sure those are promptly included with your file upon receipt.
- Our program does not require GRE scores – you may disregard this section.
- You will also be asked about your state residency, but please know that there is no out-of-state tuition difference for our program. All SLI students pay a special tuition rate regardless of their residency (for more information on program costs, see Tuition and Fees).
- Please note: there is now an option on the general graduate application to defer the application fee.
- Students applying to SOU Graduate Programs who are SOU alumni do not need to submit an official SOU transcript.
If you are a U.S. citizen, please be sure to complete the “Graduate/Postbaccalaureate” application, and not the “Graduate – International” application. The latter is intended for graduate applicants from outside the U.S (rather than intended to correspond with our program being held abroad).
Step 2
Complete our program-specific MA Degree Program Application.
- The SLI application requires you to upload your resume or CV, a one-page statement of your educational/teaching philosophy, and your ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview rating (or the date of your OPI, if your score is not yet available). See step 3 for information on the OPI requirement and how to schedule the interview.
- You will also be required to provide the names and email addresses of two professional references who have agreed to write letters of recommendation on your behalf. We will contact your references directly and ask them to fill out a brief reference questionnaire where they can also submit their letter. Recommendation requests will come from sli@sou.edu; you may also wish to advise your references to keep an eye out for these messages.
Step 3
Applicants must submit a copy of an ACTFL certified oral proficiency interview rating (OPI). More information can be found on the ACTFL Webpage.
- To set up this interview, go to Language Testing International and fill out the application form. Please make sure to select the OPI exam, as we do not accept the OPIc. The process to set up the interview and receive the results can take several weeks, so you should begin as soon as possible.
- When you’re prompted to “Enter Institution Name,” enter “Southern Oregon University” as the school you are affiliated with, so we will have direct access to your score. You should also select “Web-Based Proctor.”
- We look for a rating of at least Advanced-Low; however, if an application is strong, the SLI Board may accept an applicant with an Intermediate-High level. If accepted, those students are subsequently required to take Advanced Grammar or Advanced Conversation each term and retake the OPI for a minimum Advanced-Low rating, which is required in order to graduate.
- Please note: When you are scheduling the OPI, there will be an option presented to pay an extra fee in order to expedite delivery of a paper copy of your score – but this would not be necessary. As long as you select SOU as the school your score should be made available to, our program’s administrative specialist will be able to access and download your score in PDF form shortly after your interview has concluded.
- The OPI is included in our application requirements due to the level of our program and our assessment/accreditation requirements. However, the OPI requirement may be waived if an applicant earned their bachelor’s degree from a university in a Spanish-speaking country. Please contact us with any questions you may have about this item.
Non-Degree-Seeking Students
Step 1
Complete our program-specific Non-Degree-Seeking Student Application.
The form will require you to attach your CV or resume, your unofficial transcripts, and your ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview rating (or the date of your OPI, if your score is not yet available).
There is a non-master’s application fee of $60.00. The fee can be paid via this link, which is also on the application form itself.
Please note that non-degree-seeking students do not qualify for FAFSA financial aid. If you would like to apply for financial aid, you must apply as a Master’s degree candidate.
Step 2
Applicants must submit a copy of an ACTFL certified oral proficiency interview rating (OPI). More information can be found on the ACTFL Webpage.
- To set up this interview, go to Language Testing International and fill out the application form. Please make sure to select the OPI exam, as we do not accept the OPIc. The process to set up the interview and receive the results can take several weeks, so you should begin as soon as possible.
- When you’re prompted to “Enter Institution Name,” enter “Southern Oregon University” as the school you are affiliated with, so we will have direct access to your score. You should also select “Web-Based Proctor.”
- We look for a rating of at least Advanced-Low; however, if an application is strong, the SLI Board may be able to accept an applicant with an Intermediate-High level.
- Please note: When you are scheduling the OPI, there will be an option presented to pay an extra fee in order to expedite delivery of your score – but this would not be necessary. As long as you select SOU as the school your score should be made available to, our program’s administrative specialist will be able to access and download your score in PDF format shortly after your interview has concluded.
- The OPI is included in our application requirements due to the level of our program. However, the OPI requirement may be waived if an applicant earned their bachelor’s degree from a university in a Spanish-speaking country. Please contact us with any questions you may have about this item.
Step 3**
Complete SOU’s Non-Degree-Seeking Graduate Student Application for Summer 2025.
- This application type is found under the main Admissions application portal. It is free to submit and will generate account login instructions from Raider Student Services shortly after submission.
- When completing this step, please be sure to select the option to apply as a non-degree seeking graduate student, and not as a non-degree-seeking undergraduate.
- As mentioned in Step 1, non-degree-seeking applicants need only submit their unofficial transcripts via the SLI-specific application form. They do not have to send official or unofficial transcript copies to Admissions or Raider Student Services.
- **Please note: The registrar’s office opens up applications for non-degree-seekers one term at a time, and so the form typically opens for summer submissions in late March. However, we can review the non-degree-seeking application materials from Steps 1 & 2 for a decision in the meantime. Accepted non-degree-seeking students must then simply complete this general application step as soon as feasible in the spring in order to create their SOU student account, email, and ID number.
Returning Students
If you are a master’s student who has paused taking classes and now are ready to resume the program:
Please contact us for an advising check-in and submit SOU’s Returning Student Form. The associates at Raider Student Services will assist you in reactivating your SOU account and email when this is received.
If you are a prior non-degree-seeking student who would now like to pursue the master’s program:
Please complete the application process for master’s candidates, and feel free to contact us if you would like to verify what application materials may already be on file.
If you have already graduated from the master’s program and would like to return to take additional classes:
First contact us by email and let us know of your interests and which session. Then submit SOU’s Non-Degree-Seeking Graduate Student Application in order to update your student status.
If you are a prior non-degree-seeking student who would like to return for additional classes in a non-degree-seeking status:
Please submit the Returning Student Form.
If you have any questions or need assistance retrieving your student ID number, please contact our administrative specialist at sli@sou.edu or 541.552.6743.
After your application is submitted, we will send you a confirmation email when all materials (transcript, letters of recommendation, etc.) are received and your file is complete. We aim to review applications and notify applicants of admissions decisions no later than early March, depending on when they are received.
Furthermore, if applications are completed far enough in advance of the March 1st priority deadline to allow us to review them early, we will inform applicants of a decision as soon as possible whenever feasible.
Acceptance letters will be sent by email in March, and will be followed by information regarding housing, advising, course registration, required travel insurance and required liability forms that SLI students must complete.
Payment, Cancellation, and Refund Policies
If you are accepted to Summer Language Institute, a fter completing advising and registration for your classes, you will receive an invoice and payment instructions for all tuition and fees in April . This balance will be due in by May 15th, unless you are expecting financial aid or tuition assistance. If written notice of cancellation is received before May 30th, we will refund 50% of tuition and fees, not including the $500 deposit.
Students who cancel SLI-arranged homestays after June 1st will be assessed a cancellation fee of $150 and will be solely liable for the full amount of the homestay.
Contact the Summer Language Institute
SOU Summer Language Institute Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
Spanish: 541.552.6743
– Questions About Summer Language Institute? –