This certificate program offers a 100% online option.
The Certificate in Accounting is for students with a baccalaureate degree who wish to complete coursework to prepare for certification examinations in accounting. This certificate is unique in that it is reserved for candidates who currently possess a baccalaureate degree, but it does not require any graduate-level coursework, nor does it result in a degree being conferred.
Certificate in Accounting students will study enough accounting to be able to move their careers forward with professional certification. The certificate in accounting program has been developed for a variety of career objectives including the CPA, CMA, public accounting, and for those wanting to work for the government or in industry. Those who already have a degree in accounting, but not enough credits to sit for the CPA exam, can still take courses at the undergraduate rate, but this certificate is designed for those without an accounting degree.
State Boards of Accountancy set the requirements for the Uniform CPA Exam, which generally exceed the 48 credits earned in the Certificate. Please check with your state board for examination requirements. (See “Helpful Links” below.)
See The Certificate in Accounting Brochure
See Course Requirements
See Gainful Employment Disclosure
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