- be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18
- 79 ms
- iy_2025; im_01; id_17; ih_23; imh_03; i_epoch:1.73718378795E+12
- ixf-compiler; ixf-compiler_1.0.0.0
- py_2025; pm_01; pd_08; ph_02; pmh_33; p_epoch:1.73633243567E+12
- link-block; link-block_link-block; bodystr
- pn_tstr:Wed Jan 08 02:33:55 PST 2025; pn_epoch:1.73633243567E+12
- 0 ms
- be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18
- https://sou.edu/student-services/records/retention/
- https://sou.edu/student-services/records/retention/
SOU Student Records Retention
Oregon Administrative Rules for Retention of Student Records
Faculty and staff who maintain student records must follow established records retention guidelines. Below is a list of records typically maintained by faculty and staff at SOU. If you do not find what you need in this list, please contact the Raider Student Services at studentservices@sou.edu .
Certification Records: 5 years. Documents the preparation of students earning degrees and/or certification for licenses or certificates to enter a profession and forms the basis of the initial certification for various professions. Records may include: applications for admission to a program; registration for practicum hours and evidence of the completion of the practicum; transcripts; narrative evaluations on practicum; notice of completion of hours required for certification; recommendations and evaluations; related correspondence.
Commencement Records: Permanent for programs; until degrees conferred for commencement attendance; 2 years for all other. Documents commencement program planning and implementation. Records include: commencement attendance forms; planning records; related documentation and correspondence.
Diploma Mailing Verification Records: 1 year. Documents students’ requests to have diplomas distributed to specific addresses. Records include: signed cards listing permanent addresses for diploma mailing; indicating that fees have been paid; listing students’ names; college or school within institution; degrees granted; dates of request.
Examinations, Tests, Term Papers & Homework Records: 1 term after completion for uncontested grade results; until resolved for contested grade results. Documents student subject mastery. Records may include: exams and answers; quizzes and answers; homework assignments; course papers; term papers; essay assignments.
Graduate Students Degree Completed Records: 20 years after degree completed. Documents students’ admission into graduate programs and subsequent academic progress. Records may include: applications; notices of admission; standardized placement and evaluation exams; transcripts; requests to audit courses; major department/degree change requests; assignment of an advisor; composition of dissertation/thesis committee and any changes thereof; proposed program sheets; transmittal sheets for records; statements of goals and objectives; certification of transferred courses; grade reports; course waiver requests; removal of incomplete grades forms; seven year time-limit appeal records; oral and written exam results – preliminary, qualifying and comprehensive; report of final oral exam and theses credit for advanced degree; thesis title card approvals; petition for change in graduate program; petitions or letters requesting exemption from institution regulations or procedures; advising checklists; transcripts from other institutions; on-leave requests and approvals; official graduation audit; program advisors’ reports showing progress towards academic degrees; advancement to candidacy forms; awards; related documentation and correspondence.
Independent Study Records: 5 years. Documents departmental approval for student to enroll in independent study courses. Records may include: permission sheets with students’ names; course names; number of credits; faculty signatures.
Internship Program Records: 5 years. Documents the administration of student internship, practicum and cooperative education programs (for class credit or pay). Records may include: applications for internships (on and off campus); agreements with departments; postings/notices; student resumes; transcripts; copies of contracts; proposed institution listings; notes; related documentation and correspondence.
Student Advising Records: 1 year after degree completed or last enrollment. Used to provide a record of an undergraduate and/or graduate student’s academic progress within a specific department and/or college program. Records may include: applications for program admission; notices of admission; grade reports; in-house grade record cards; degree program requirements; departmental course waiver forms; program advisors’ reports showing progress towards academic degrees; advising checklist forms; advisors’ notes; copies of transcripts; program planning sheets; advanced standing exam reports; official graduation audits; curriculum posting sheets; recommendation letters; suspension notices; re-admission notices; comprehensive exam results; awards; related documentation and correspondence.
Student Development Transcript Records: Permanent for transcripts, 5 years after last activity for all other records. Documents students participation in university clubs, organizations, honor societies and special academic programs such as the Study Abroad Program, volunteer service in community organizations, and honors and awards received. Records include: transcripts listing activities; background material used to validate the activities; and related correspondence.
Student Organization Administrative Records: Permanent. Documents the history, development and policies of campus student organizations. Records may include: annual review forms; minutes; constitutions and bylaws; committee, subcommittee and task-force records; Student Senate bill and resolution files; budgets; handbooks; officer and member rosters; scrapbooks; photos; related documentation and correspondence.
Student Status Cards: 20 years. Documents status of students who are enrolled or have been enrolled and graduated from the academic program. Information on the individual cards may include: name; date entered; department; change of school; graduation dates; degrees; previous schools attended; notation of activities and honors; photos of students.
Theses and Dissertations Records: Permanent. Documents completion and academic acceptance of graduate theses and dissertations presented to colleges in fulfillment of requirements for graduate degrees. Includes final and accepted copies of theses and dissertations.
Undergraduate Degree Audit and Applications for Graduation Records: 5 years after last enrollment. Documents student completion of degree requirements. Records may include: work sheets; transcripts; transfer course evaluations.
Student Service Resources
Contact Raider Student Services
SOU Computing Services Center
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
Phone: 541.552.6600
Fax: 541.552.6614
Financial Aid & Scholarships: finaid@sou.edu
Registrar (Registration & Records): registrar@sou.edu
Bursar (Student Financial Accounts): studentaccounts@sou.edu
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 am - 1:30 pm, 2:30 - 4 pm